Newsletter Two - December, 2002
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The Life & Times of Jennn Herzberg
Bratislava, Slovakia

This is the prayer/modified Bible verse that my students say with me at the end of class. During the week of November 24-30 though, these words took on extra meaning in MY life!

On November 24, I found out that my grandmother, Ethel Mack, passed from this earthly home to her long-awaited Heavenly Home, to live eternally with Jesus. While this is truly wonderful that she no longer is in any pain, it is still natural to grieve her loss. I wanted, desperately, to grieve and celebrate her life with my family in Iowa. I tried, desperately, to fly back to America last minute…but nothing worked out. Anger and sadness overwhelmed me for a few days but, as usual, God provides for His children. I was surrounded by comfort from people here and from countless e-mails-what a reassurance to know that prayers were being lifted up for my family and me. So I could truly pray with my students, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He IS good; His love goes on forever."

That very next Thursday, November 28, was Thanksgiving…in America. In Slovakia, of course, it’s another cold, dreary Thursday. While mourning the loss of my grandma and not being with family, I now experienced one of my favorite holidays through the eyes of another culture. Again, though, God is good! I celebrated on Thanksgiving night with three other Americans, a Canadian, a Briton, a Welsh, a Slovak and a German! A truly international Thanksgiving! Two days later, I traveled to the mountains of Slovakia to celebrate again with most of the 12 LCMS volunteer missionaries in Central Europe (to hear more about this weekend and God’s great guiding Hand, click HERE). So, again, I can TRULY and MIGHTILY give THANKS to the LORD for HE is GOOD!! His LOVE goes on FOREVER!!!

I cannot begin to underscore enough just how thankful I am for all of the e-mails you send, all of the packages I’ve received for my students and me, and all of the guestbook postings you’ve left on this website! Your words of encouragement and compassion, of funny U.S. stories, of HOW YOU ARE DOING, bring such joy to me. Thank you.

My role as a teacher is slowly being defined. As I get to know the school, my students, my fellow teachers and this culture better, I am learning what it means to teach and to teach in another culture, namely, the Slovak culture. I can’t say that I LOVE teaching yet, though I do LOVE my students and the people with whom I work. However, this whole “teaching thing” is still quite a foreign concept to me (both literally and figuratively)! I often struggle with, “WHAT AM I DOING HERE?! I CAN’T TEACH THESE KIDS ENGLISH!” But then the Holy Spirit steps in, gently reminding me that it is GOD who placed me here and GOD who will guide my path, as unsteady and unsure as I may be.

I am still teaching about 2/3 time at the school, with the intention that in January I will begin working in specific roles in the congregation. For now, much of my “free time” is spent visiting families from the church and school! Almost every weekend I have one or two “home visit” opportunities. I’ve tasted great food (including rabbit!), seen gorgeous homes, visited new places around Bratislava and, above all, witnessed the great family of Christ, as we come together and share our different cultures but the same common faith in Jesus Christ!

One of the highlights of the past month was being introduced, during church, to the congregation! Pastor Klatik and I sat down and wrote out what I would say in English, so that he could translate into Slovak. After the service I received many smiles and handshakes and even some people who greeted and welcomed me in English!

…Missionaries around the world, that they have boldness to share the Gospel in whatever circumstances given!
…the people of Slovakia, and all of Europe; that this area of the world may “wake up” (Eph. 5:14) and know the one true Savior of ALL nations!
…the Herzberg and Partlow families, that they experience a healthy grieving process as they each process the death of their grandmothers.
…LCMS Worldmissions in this time of financial difficulties, that they make Godly, wise decisions.
…PEACE in this world during a time of great uncertainty and strife between and in many nations; for persecuted Christians all around the globe.
…the lives of my grandma, Ethel Mack, and Marion Nelson, grandmother in the Partlow Family, very close friends of mine. Thank God for the beautiful Christian witness of these women throughout their lives here on earth!
…the many people God gives me EVERYDAY to support me and enable me to continue His work in Slovakia.
…the CONTINUED awesome support of so many people and churches in the U.S.!

On Monday, October 28, the day I returned from Prague, I attended a Halloween Party at my school. This Halloween Party was quite special though, because it was planned by my students, and held in honor of me! Are my students cool, or what?! ( They decorated the cafeteria, played music, held games, and EVERYONE dressed up in great costumes. To begin the whole evening, they made a small presentation, welcoming me to this school for two years, and giving me a couple small gifts. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this school!!
From October 25-28, the LCMS Central European Missionaries gathered in Prague, Czech Republic, for a few days of fellowship and nourishment! Career missionary, Dr. David Daniel, is an expert on the intricate history of Central Europe, and gave us a BRIEF overview of the all the amazing events and changes that have taken place in this area in the last, oh, 1,000 years or so!! (He did an awesome job!!). Then special guests Drs. Tom Doyle and Joe Mannion, both experts in education (Dr. Doyle was my professor at Concordia-Irvine), led a few sessions on effective teaching methods, since all of the CE missionaries teach at some sort of level. In between these educational sessions, as well as great Bible studies, devotions and (English!) worship, we even had time to be TOURISTS of Prague…one of the most BEAUTIFUL cities I have EVER experienced! It was a fantastic weekend all-around!

Seriously, sometimes I just sit in awe of where I live. From Vienna to Prague to Budapest (and Bratislava too!) I live in the middle of some of the most beautiful cities in Europe and, some would say, the world. My trip to Budapest was a one-day affair with the volunteer missionaries from Hungary (Tara, Rachel and Jenny) and our area supervisor’s wife (Amy, married to Rev. Rick Blythe). It was a “Girls’ Day”, so to speak, with lunch and a movie, and a POWERFUL Bible study, led by Amy, on “strongholds” in our lives. A couple of us realized that one of the biggest strongholds we have over here is holding on to the perception of what a “real” missionary is. For me, personally, I struggle with the thought that “I’m not a real missionary; I have a mobile phone, I have internet access, I have running water, etc., etc.,” when, in fact, I AM a “real” missionary because I take the message of the saving grace of Jesus Christ and share it with those around me…which makes anyone who is a believer in Christ a “missionary” to those they encounter anytime, anywhere! Praise God for using us in all places, in all circumstances!

          I had just finished teaching one Tuesday afternoon and was beginning my short bus ride home. As I stepped aboard the bus, a young boy came up behind me and also got on the bus. He quickly headed back while I headed up front. I noticed the front pocket of my bag was open and, in about 3 seconds, realized the child had stolen my mobile phone. I confronted the child at the next bus stop, firmly stating (in English, of course), “You have my mobile phone. Give me my mobile phone.” After many hand motions and attempts to get the phone back, I knew it was a fruitless effort, and watched the child walk off with my phone. I was confused and angry, but the Lord provided friends to help me get a new phone, etc. Please pray for those children though, that someday they might become aware of their sin and, like every one of us in this world, realize their need for a Savior. One week later, as I sat at my desk between classes, some students came in. “Miss Herzberg, we have a surprise for you. In all of the classes, we collected money for your mobile, and we want to give it to you now.” I opened the envelope and found approximately $50 U.S. dollars!! I was speechless! I thanked them all, as well as all my classes that day, while still amazed at the INCREDIBLE students with whom I’ve been blessed.
THE famous castle in Prague, Czech Republic

Making my mother's famous banna bread with Zuzka Fabriciova, my 'Slovak sister'!!
Grandma Fabriciova!! The Fabrici family has become my 'Slovak family,' taking care of me and providing many things for me. Grandma is from easter Slovakia and still, today, wears the traditional clothing of old!

Me (that being Jennn) in from of St. Stephen's church in Vienna

Do you have any questions or comments about my work in Slovakia? Please e-mail me at or send a note to my parents, who will let me know!
Rev. Terry & Susie Herzberg
31-06 Morlot Ave.
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Thank you for taking the time to hear about what God is doing through me in Central Europe! If you are interested in supporting me financially, please send a tax-deductible gift to:
OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH, 22-15 Broadway, FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410. Make checks payable to Our Savior Lutheran Church, with "Slovakia Mission Fund" in the memo line. If you’re interested in encouraging me with letters, etc, please contact my parents at the address to the left, and they will let you know the best ways to encourage my work here!
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