My sister can explain to anyone how her computer works. There is a little guy called Benny who runs around very quickly and makes sure everything gets done. He takes the commands and mouse clicks from the screen, and at blinding speed, comes up with the appropriate answer. And occasionally if the computer messes up or runs slowly, all she needs to do is turn it off to give Benny a little rest. After all, he's been working hard all day.
Now, if you are satisfied with the above explanation, then perhaps this section is not for you. But on the other hand, if you wonder how it is that a computer works, then my friend, please stay awhile. In these short pages I'll walk through the design of a very simple computer from the most basic parts.
- Logic Gates - The Digital Building Blocks
- Truth Tables - Keeping Things Straight
- More Gates - Taking It Up A Notch
- Binary Numbers - Back To 1's AND 0's
- Adder - XOR in Action
- Multiplexers - The Decision Makers
- Shifter - Playing with Powers of Two
The ALU - Making Some Smarts Flip-Flops - Clever Little Buggers Registers - Memory is the Key Computer 1 - Putting it Together Two's Complement - Big Is Small Subtraction - Addition in Reverse Multiplication? - If I get around to it Decoder - The Power of an Instruction Computer 2 - All this and more for just $19.95!